
2021-2022 Academic Year - Université de Bourgogne

Fall - Winter 2021: Robotics Projects
Master students (2nd year) from Master in Computer Vision, UBFC
Class website and notes of the course: Course notes
Joint lecturer with Ralph Seulin, Raphael Duverne and Joaquin Rodriguez


Spring - Summer 2022: Computer Vision
Master students (2nd year) from Master in Computer Vision, UBFC
Class website and notes of the course: Course notes
Joint lecturer with David Fofi


Spring - Summer 2022: Computer Vision & AI
ESIREM Enginnering students and Master students (2nd year) from Master in Computer Vision, UBFC
Class website and notes of the course: Course notes
Joint lecturer with David Fofi


Spring - Summer 2022: Autonomous Robotics
ESIREM Enginnering students and Master students (2nd year) from Master in Computer Vision, UBFC
Class website and notes of the course: Course notes
Full lecturer

2018-2019 Academic Year - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Fall - Winter 2018: Algorithms and Data Structures II (Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados II, DCC004)
Bachelor students (2nd year) from Department of Computer Science, UFMG
Class website and notes of the course: DCC004 notes
Full lecturer


Spring - Summer 2018: Introduction to Robotics ("Introdução à Robótica", DCC041)
Bachelor students (3rd year) from Department of Computer Science, UFMG
Course notes: DCC041 notes
Teaching assistant with Pr. Douglas G. Macharet

2015-2016 Academic Year - Polytech'Nice and Université de Nice

Fall 2015: Numerical Analysis (Analyse Numérique I, MAM3)
Engineering students (3rd year) from Polytech'Nice
Teaching assistant with Dr. Holger Heumann


Spring 2016: Computer Systems (Systèmes Informatiques, SY27)
Bachelor students (1st year) from Département d'Informatique, Université de Nice
Teaching assistant with Pr. Sid Touati

2012 Academic Year - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)

Spring - Summer 2012: Differential Equations and Series (Calculo III, LE300)
Engineering students (2nd year) from School of Applied Sciences, Unicamp
Teaching assistant with Pr. Joao Eloir Strapasson